Thursday, 24 July 2014

Mellow Yellow

Not all cupcakes have to be pastel pink or baby blue.

For the parents leaving their baby’s gender a surprise, a batch of summery yellow and muted grey cupcakes keep the gender safely a secret.


Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Floral Feature

pic from here

My spare room is looking very spare. It’s one of those rooms that I have every intention of making amazing, but then real life kicks in (as do budgets) and realistically, time is better spent on rooms we use regularly. 
But that being said, I had to do something to add some pretty to a pretty stark room.

And then my amazing team at work inspired me!
On a recent shoot for a client of mine, we had our model pose on a bed of flowers. 
 Simple, striking. I loved it.

So I took inspiration from my creative team of geniuses and made my own floral frame for my spare room.
work in progress...

All it took was a frame, some polystyrene board, and a selection of fabric flowers.
Simply push them into the polyboard, pin down the tricksy ones that want to jump out (there were a few) and voila, a quick and effective flower wall feature.

Final pics to follow soon