Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Looking through the photobox...

I love going through old photos! I love the way a photo can bring memories flooding back in. I was recently going through a few photos while I was at my mum's and through giggling at the old fashions and my dad's perm (not even kidding - he had a perm in the 80's) I found this little pic of me and a friend.

Turns out my aspirations to bake and create aren't a new thing... I may not wear a bakers outfit nor bake as a profession, but I'm happiest when I'm mixing up a batch of moist cupcakes to share with friends.

I wonder if my friend next to me followed her dreams and pursued being a cowgirl ;o)


  1. So cute!

    Your blog is great too, going back to check out past posts now!

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC or bloglovin'??



  2. very cute picture! i love the cowgirl outfit :)
