Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Boxing Clever

There is nothing that lifts my mood more than baking (ok except maybe a glass of wine with my bestie). Honestly, it’s not necessarily even what I’m baking, but the creating, taking raw ingredients, mixing them all up and then having some fun making the end product beautiful. It really has nothing to do with the tasting in fact. That is just a bonus…
So when I came home from a long day I knew that I needed to bake. I was looking for instant gratification, so I admit I cheated. I used a box mix (gasp). But in truth, it works. Yes, it is not my mum’s delicious, moist chocolate recipe, but it offers instant cupcakes and instant opportunities for fun.
I was in the mood for pink so added a few capfuls of pink colour to the batter, whipped up this awesome icing and topped the cakes with little flags I made using my washi tape around toothpicks. In an instant I had adorable pink cupcakes, and nobody was any the wiser that these weren’t made from ‘scratch’. 

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